The general activities which take place at most venues are as follows: Basketball, Football, Dodgeball, Dance, Fun & Games, Arts and Crafts, Mini Tennis and Aqua fun. Dependent on the venue, these additional activities will take place: Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Karate, Badminton, Quick Cricket and Rounders.
All our activities are at entry-level which allows the child to participate and experience the basics of the activity. The main focus is on having fun, making new friends and developing physically, mentally as well as emotionally.
We group the children, boys and girls mixed, according to their ages which don’t differ more than two years within the groups. Our group ratios are 10:2 and when it comes to Aqua Fun (Currently there is No swimming until further notice), we have a qualified lifeguard, a level 2 swimming coach as well as an assistant with no more than 12 children in a group.
We always put the interest of children first. We aim to make them feel secure and happy from the moment they walk through our doors. The main focus is on having fun, making new friends and developing physically, mentally as well as emotionally.
A typical day at camps will start nice and early where parents can drop their children off from 8 am – 8.45 am, the first activity will start at 9 am. The camp day will consist of four 45 minute activity sessions. Within each session, the coaches will focus on a particular skill or sport for 15 minutes. Once this skill has been taught, the next 15min will focus on using that skill in an exercise which will finish the session with a 10 – 15min match. After every activity, there will be a 15min break where children can eat their snacks and coaches can sanitise the equipment. There will be one lunch break of 30min where the campers can finish their packed food. Finally, the last session will take place and pick up will commence from 1.20 – 1.30 pm.
We ensure that all activities are held within state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor facilities in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. ESM has access to all the schools’ gymnasiums, dance studios, swimming pools (not during spring camp) and classrooms to facilitate all and any activity which is required.
We recommend a packed lunch that consists of sandwiches, a snack and a refillable water bottle. All children should wear comfortable clothing in shorts and a T-shirt and wear trainers. We do not recommend the campers wear crocks to camps.
ESM Holiday Camp vary depending on how many days you select and which venue you choose! On each camp booking page, we have a pricing section that will give you real-time pricing information. You can select/de-select options and watch the price change. You can also go directly to registration by clicking here. Lastly, you can chat directly with our support staff by contacting us on 050-3611547
Please contact us at [email protected] or call 043-697817, so we can help you.