
Think-N-Innovate is a KHDA-certified educational institute committed to achieving excellence in education. Our vision is to create a fun and engaging learning environment for students, fostering excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, and assisting students in discovering and pursuing their passion. At Think-N-Innovate, whether you’re an Explorer, a Learner, or a Pro, you can get started immediately. Our team consists of experienced and creative teachers who are dedicated to the children’s passion. Our Program offers quality education to children that helps you take the first step in your field of passion whether it’s a fine arts, dance, speech or drama, coding, game development and much more.


What The Parents Say

The course that my child enrolled in was comprehensive. The entire team is supportive and I highly recommend Think and Innovate to everyone who is serious about exposing their child to the technology industry.

- Zainab Javaid

Great value for the children and they seem to have grasped a lot and enjoyed it.

- Ahmed Elzarka

Mr Sanchit (our mentor) was extremely enthusiastic and passionate about the subject. His clarity of thought enabled us to understand the concepts faster and better. The videos were extremely informative as well, paired engaging tasks.

- Niharika Arvind